This week CEA has our winter break; unfortunately, for me since I go to Sorbonne as well, we only had school off Monday & Tuesday. The French should really celebrate Armistice Day for a week, but whatever. So, with our short break in mind, four of my girlfriends an I headed off the Amsterdam for the weekend. Aly and I flew Air France, which surprisingly is a really nice airline, we even got fed! Once we arrived we were greeted by people everywhere who spoke English. We hadn't realized how use to people speaking French we had gotten. We got to our hostel (this was my first hostel experience) to meet up with Christine, Crystal & Necla. Our hostel smelt like cat pee, but I guess you pay for what you get and we were in the heart of all the coffee shops, red light district, etc, so we delt with it. The first night I dragged all my girlfriends to a wonderful Italian place I had eaten at with my Gma Ann & Gpa Stan years ago: Casa Di David. It was so wonderful. Just as I remembered. To start I ordered a truffle, goat cheese & honey salad. Yes, it was as good as it sounds!!! Then for my main dish I had homemade pasta carbonara. Some of the other girls got pizzas, which were equally as good. My favorite part about Amsterdam was the town its self. The canals hug the streets as if they are your personal guide throughout the city. We went at the perfect time too, because all the leaves were red and yellow and almost about to fall from the tress. It was so romantic. The second day, we went to the Van Gough Museum, played in the parks, saw where Santa lives and just goofed around. Oh yeah, Amsterdam definitely caters to clientele of pot smokers in the city, because they have the best snack food everywhere. I think I spend more money and time eating in that city than anything else! The last day, we headed over the Anne Frank's house before we headed to the airport. It was a lot bigger of a house than I remembered. Gma & Gpa, do you remember a yummy bagel shop next to her house? We ate there it was so good.
Here are some of the pictures. More day time photos to come- Crystal needs to send em' to me.

3 in 1- how resourceful!

in a rush to get the plate out?

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